Page 4 - GkoumasKranzleCatalogue
P. 4



        page 102-103                                                   QUICKLY
                                                                      The new Quickly cold water pressure washer is designed
                                                                    specifically for home use and delivers impressive results
                                                                   in terms of cleaning power and quality. With a working
                                                                 pressure of 130 bar, even the most stubborn dirt around the
                                                                house and garden will be a thing of the past in no time. The
                                                               intuitive D10 plug-in system and the included Round Cleaner UFO
                                                             surface cleaner complete the package.

        page 40-41                                                     PRIMUS WITH AUTOMATIC HOSE REEL
                                                                      High pressure, high cleaning capacity, robust construction
                                                                    and a wide range of accessories. The Primus-Series cold water
                                                                   pressure washers are ideal for agricultural and industrial
                                                                 applications. With the Primus 1000 TS AT and Primus 1200 TS AT
                                                                models make work even faster. The automatic hose reel auto-
                                                               matically rewinds the high-pressure hose for ease of use and safe

        page 42-43                                                     PRIMUS-RP-SERIES
                                                                      The advantages of the Primus-Series combined with a
                                                                     powerful Kränzle in-line RP pump: The Primus-RP 900 TST
                                                                   model  expands the  application  range  and capabilities  of
                                                                  the Primus models with an operating pressure of 180 bar at a
                                                                water flow rate of 15 l/min. The more compact Primus-RP model
                                                               is ideal for use on small and medium-sized farms.

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